Calvary Prescott Classes

Calvary Prescott Classes

Calvary Prescott Study Classes

At Calvary Prescott, our Bible Classes help you dive deeper into God’s Word, seeking to love, learn, and live His truth. Through studies in apologetics, Christian foundations, and witnessing, our goal is to enrich your understanding of Scripture and equip you to apply it in everyday life with confidence and conviction.

Sundays @ 8:30am | Jr.High Room

February 2nd - 9th, 2025

The Personal Bible Study Methods Class is a four week class designed to help even the novice to study the Bible on their own and dig deep into God’s Word. Bible study, unless it is to be shared, is done for the personal growth and enrichment of the individual. In this class, the student will learn six methods of studying the Bible for themselves:

Q & A Method; A method - This is a question driven Bible study method which helps introduce the student to the idea of Bible and how it feels to dig

Verse analysis – This method teaches the student to see how a verse can be effected by the surrounding context and how the context is important in understanding a particular verse.

The Christian Foundations Class is directed at those who are new to the faith or are looking to brush up on some of the basic but major doctrines of the historic Christian church.

We will look at what the Bible teaches about salvation, love, this new life, who God is, what grace is, did Jesus really rise from the dead, the Trinity, who is Jesus, prayer, and many other beliefs common to the Christian faith.

Sundays @ 8:30am | Jr.High Room

March 2nd - 16th , 2025

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