Addressing COVID-19

Addressing COVID-19

March 22  1:30 P.M.

All across the nation, state and local governments are mandating the shut down of various businesses, public gathering sites, and are restricting all large gatherings.

Here at Calvary Prescott, due to various restrictions and recommendations, we conducted our first online-only services today. We were able to have worship, offering, and teaching like a ‘normal’ service.

It went well, and we certainly learned a lot about how to make online service work. As the weeks go by we’ll certainly be improving the overall experience.

March 20  12:00 P.M.

Arizona Department of Health Services reports that Yavapai County now has 1 confirmed case of COVID-19. In accordance with Governor Ducey’s March 19th executive order, this means all restaurants can only provide dine-out options. It also mandates that all bars, movie theaters, and gyms be closed. All other mandates/guidelines from before remain in effect.

We’ll keep doing what we’ve been doing! Trusting the Lord, praying, planning for online-only services, keeping God’s people informed, and seeing this as an opportunity to love others and share the Gospel.

3/18/20  3:00 P.M.
3/16/20  3:00 P.M.

Please read these important changes:

Today, the President and his Coronavirus Task Force announced sweeping new guidelines in order to combat the spread of the virus. These are the key takeaways (applicable for the next 15 days):

In light of these developments, important changes will be made at Calvary Prescott. In the spirit of Hebrews 13:17 and Romans 13:1 (honor and obey our authorities), we know the right and God-glorifying thing to do is adhere to the President’s requests. Here’s is what we’ve prayerfully decided:

  • Cancel the upcoming Midweek service (3/18/20). This gives us time to prepare for the coming changes.
  • Move all church services to ‘online only’. Beginning Sunday, March 22nd, we will stream worship and the sermon via our website and our Youtube channel.
    • This will apply to Sundays at 8:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M., and Wednesdays at 6:30 P.M.
    • You will be able to give your tithes & offerings online. Please remember to give, as your sacrifices to the Lord are what allow our church to continue to function!
    • In case you miss any service, you can replay it at your convenience
  • Suspend all church ministries with groups of 10 or more people. We will also suspend any ministry where people cannot maintain ‘social distancing’ (a distance of at least 6 feet between individuals).
    • Therefore Life Groups, Men’s Prayer, Women’s Prayer, Young Adults, and other ministries will not meet.
    • Please contact the church to find out if any other ministries have been suspended
  • Keep offices open during normal business hours. We’re a church in this community, and we want to be available to all!
    • We will create a ‘barrier’ in our lobby so that visitors will remain at least 6 feet from our front desk.
    • Our Food Pantry will be available to those in need
    • Essential church functions will continue as normal

I know there are other decisions to be made and other things to consider. But for now, these are the essentials! Thank you for your understanding and your prayers. Let’s remain faithful and fruitful during this unique time in our lives!

3/16/20  12:00 P.M.

We had amazing church services yesterday morning! Awesome worship, followed by powerful truths from God’s Word. He promises to care for us, empower us, embolden us, and use us for His glorious purposes.

Our world is filled with fear right now, and it seems to be growing. As believers, we’re to be growing powerlove, and sound minds! Why? Because God gave us a spirit NOT of fear, but of all those things!

So we’re to see this situation around us NOT as a hopeless crisis, but as a field of harvest for Christ! Let’s be the men and women God designed us to be: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

3/15/20  6:00 A.M.
  • We will have services this morning, 8:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.
  • Please remain home if you suspect you or someone in yourself or household
  • For those 60 and older, or those with preexisting medical conditions, prayerfully consider whether to attend service verses watching online. This also applies to those responsible for the care of such individuals.
  • We will not take offerings by passing baskets through the sanctuary. Instead, please put your offerings in one of the ‘offering boxes’ located at the exits. (Use an ‘offering envelope’, available in seat-back pockets.)

3/14/20  10:30 A.M.

After researching the latest health department updates and news stories, there’s no need to change plans. We will have regular Sunday services as scheduled. Just be diligent to follow the guidelines given below!

3/13/20  11:00 A.M.

Pastor Paul and I attended a webinar put on by the Arizona Department of Health Services. Here are the key takeaways:

  • There is no official recommendation to cancel gatherings, services, or events
  • Most infected people become well within 7 days (feels like a cold or flu)
  • ‘Containment’ of infected individuals is no longer their goal, instead people should stay home (for a minimum of 7 days, or until 3 days past when symptoms subside)
  • The elderly and those with weakened immune symptoms are most at risk of complications (although it’s still a relatively low number)
  • Testing will become more available as private labs become more involved. Check with your provider. Right now, government labs have limited capacity
  • Maintain good hygiene and keep facilities clean
  • They will update their website everyday with the latest information available

After attending the webinar, we feel confident that Calvary Prescott is doing a good job in dealing with this virus. However, we’ll make these adjustments: temporarily halt communion, and temporarily remove the coffee cart from the patio (coffee will be available in the coffee shop).

3/12/20 7:00 P.M.

It’s always a great privilege to come together at our church to fellowship, worship, and grow in God’s Word. Given the current issues surrounding COVID-19 (the Coronavirus), I want you to know that we are being proactive in providing a safe, clean church for you to attend.

As a part of preparing for our gatherings, we have a team of dedicated servants who work diligently to clean and maintain the campus. Here are some important steps being taken to achieve that:

  • All facilities and common areas are regularly cleaned and disinfected, using professional-grade cleansers, solutions, and supplies
  • We’re taking special care to sanitize items like door handles, children’s toys, toilets, sinks, etc.
  • Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout the campus
  • We’re increasing the availability of facial tissue and toilet paper
  • We’ll be constantly monitoring and adjusting our response to the virus by educating ourselves with the latest available information. If/when things change, we’ll update this page.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Be kind and sensitive to each other, remember some may not want to hug. Just give them a loving smile and a warm “hello”
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds using disinfectant soap and warm water (someone told me to sing the alphabet song–takes 20 seconds!)
  • Use hand sanitizer with at least a 60% concentration of alcohol
  • Limit personal contact with people who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth
  • If you or anyone in your family is sick, stay home and enjoy services online (they’re all live-streamed on our website and on Youtube)
  • Check our website for updates, and download our church app–you’ll receive updates right to your phone.

Let’s also be sure to pray and ask the Lord for healing, protection, and that those who are in especially hard-hit areas will remain calm. Pray for leaders and communities. And pray that Christians will act in love, fearlessly with charity, and be examples of Christ to the world.

May God richly bless you as you walk by His grace.

In His service,
Pastor Raj